1. DAVID SYLVIAN Praise (Pratah Smarami) [Camphor, 2002 / Venture] >>>> Remiks album na genijalecot Sylvian.
2. DARIO MARIANELLI Valerie [V for Vendetta, OST, 2006] >>>> Ne ste go gledale V for Vendetta? Vo Amerika e cenzuriran... poradi "politickata nekorektnost".
www.VForVendetta (soundtrack)
3. BURIAL Distant lights [Burial, 2006 / Cargo Records] >>>> Misteriozniot bend od juzen London. Garage beat & muffled soul bass & smooth dub = Burial. Za debi album - poveke od odlicen.
4. NEPHEWS OF PHELLA Mulah 2 >>>> Bend li, artist li, sto li? Se pojavi od "nikade". Nikakva informacija za nego/niv bilo kade na Internet. Ako znae nekoj - bi mu bil blagodaren. Se raboti za isklucitelno originalna muzika.
5. RACHID TAHA Rock el Casbah [2004 / Barclay] >>>> Alzirecot Rachid Taha so techno, rock & punk prerabotkata na The Clash klasikata. Pee i na arapski, zivee vo Lion, Francija.
www.wikipedia/RachidTaha6. ROXY MUSIC Amazona [Stranded, 1973 / Island Records] >>>> Tretiot album na Brian Ferry & kompanijata. Eve ja recenzijata objavena vo NME na 10. noemvri 1973.
7. TALKING HEADS Houses in motion [Remain in light, 1980 / Sire] >>>> Albumot koj ja smeni istorijata na sovremeniot r'n'r. White funky vokabular, post punk energija i new wave ritmi go odbelezaa Remain in light. Da! Neposredno pred izdavanjeto na ovoj album gi gledav vo Beograd. Imav "samo" 13 godini.
8. BRIGHTBLACK MORNING LIGHT Amber Canyon Magik [2006 / Matador Records] >>>> Kaliforniska filozofija. Dovolno kazano.
9. BEI THE FISH Bare naked [singl, 2006] >>>> Najnoviot singl na Bei the fish. Vo iscekuvanje sum na nivnoto debi najaveno za septemvri. Konecno, imaat i sajt. I toa poveke od dobar.
....album na RBHP
22 maj, Dox Music
1 miss moral
2 beat 1
3 bennysingsrednosedistrict
4 freedom
5 oohweeooh (the may songs)
6 ik wil een nieuwe fiets
7 the river
8 feel like comin up
9 common yall
10 ready to rock
13 bonus! : harco pront - beam me up
14 B.E.N.N.Y.S.I.N.G.S.R.E.D.N.O.
15 Feel Like Comin' Up
16 Bonus! Harco Point : Beam Me U
17 B.E.N.N.Y.S.I.N.G.S.R.E.D.N.O.S.E.D.I.S.T.R.I.C.T.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
PLEJLISTA 017 # 28 juni 2006
PLEJLISTA 016 # 21 juni 2006
1. FREDERICO FELLINI FEAT. NINO ROTA La dolce vita [Music from motion pictures, 2002]
2. STEREOLAB Hallucinex [Sound-dust, 2001 / Elektra Records]
3. BRIAN WILSON Child is Father of the Man [Smile, 2004 / Nonesuch]
4. THE RESIDENTS Mousetrap [The tunes of two cities, 1982 / The Cryptic Corporation]
5. SUPER FURRY ANIMALS Hometown unicorn [Fuzzy logic, 1996 / Creation Records]
6. THE BOO RADLEYS Butterfly McQueen & Rodney King /Song for Jenny Bruce/ (Song for Lenny Bruce) [Giant steps, 1993 / Creation Records]
7. THE ROOTS The web [The tipping point, 2004 / Geffen Records]
8. MIKE WATT Chinese firedrill (feat. Franck Black) [Ball-hog or tugboat, 1995 / Sony Music] 9. CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND THE MAGIC BAND Ice cream for crow [Ice cream for crow, 1982 / Virgin Records]
10. PHAROAH SANDERS The Creator Has A Master Plan [Karma, 1969]
album na RBHP
BORN IN THE USA volume 2
The new American songbook V.A. 2006, Mojo
1. Iron & Wine "Woman King" 2. Ray Lamontagne "Jolene" 3. Frank Black "I burn for you" 4. Josh Rouse "Street Lights" 5. Brendan benson "alternative to love" 6. Dan Sartain "leeches pt1" 7. Magnolia Electric Co. - "Hard to Love a Man" 8. Bright Eyes - "Land Locked" 9. Joanna Newsom - "Sprout and the Bean" 10. Sujfan Stevens "John Wayne Gacy jr" 11. Rosie Thomas - "Pretty Dress" 12. Willard Grant Conspiracy - "Evening Mass" 13. Kelley Stoltz - "The sun comes through" 14. Jim James (from my morning jacket) "Sooner"(live) 15. Black Mountain - "Heart of Snow"
Saturday, June 17, 2006
PLEJLISTA 015 # 14 juni 2006
1. GO HOME PRODUCTIONS Madonna Meets The Sex Pistols / Gob Of Light [Mash ups vol. 1, 2003]
2. DEVO Satistaction [Q: Are we not Men? A: We are Devo, 1978 / Virgin Records]
3. THE B-52's Party out of bounds [Part mix!, 1990 / Reprise Records]
3. ROY HARGROVE AND THE RH FACTOR Crazy race [Distractions, 2006 / Verve Records]
4. SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP Mutherfacker [Zap Meemees, 2005 / Sonore]
5. THE BEATLES She said she said [Revolver, 1966 / EMI Records]
6. SMOOSH Find A Way [Free to stay, 2006 / Barsuk Records]
7. STONES THROW Dilla JRocc mix [mp3, 2006 / Stones Throw Records]
.... 8. DUDLEY PERKINS Dear God [Expressions, 2006 / Stones Throw Records] (Produced by Madlib)
9. DIZZIE RASCAL Stop Dat [Boy in da corner, 2003/ XL Recordings]
album na R.B.H.P.
Mash up's 2001-2006
Go Home Productions e Mark Vidler. raboti i zivee vo Watford, UK i poslednive nekolku godini producira i remiksuva takanareceni bootleg i mash-ups izdanija. Kaj nego se e mozno: vo edna pesna Sex Pistols i Madonna, My Bloody Valentine i Beastie Boys, Stooges i Salt'n'pepa, Nirvana i Destiny Child... Proverete sami na negoviot sajt. Se e free.
Basement jaxx vs talking heads - where's your talking head
My bloody valentine vs beastie boys - s'wash ya wart
Nirvana vs destiny's child Smells like booty
Notwist vs Curtis Mayfield vs Indeep vs Daft Punk vs DJ Love Aff
Madonna Meets The Sex Pistols Gob Of Light
Sonic youth vs christina aguilera Dirty bottle
Stooges vs Salt'n'Pepa No Fun-P
Joy division vs Missy Elliot Love will freak us
Abba vs The Bunnymen
Beatleg bootles Razor smile (2003)
Crazy little fool Dont hold back (Sweet Jane)
Oasis are gaye (2002)
Rock with addiction (awww)
Girl Wants (to say goodbye to) Rock And Roll
Making Plans for Vinyl (XTC vs. Tweet)
Teenage Whitney (The Undertones Vs. Who)
EKKEHARD EHLERS Plays John Cassavettes
Monday, June 12, 2006
"Hit parada..."
Povelete... download-uvajte... uzivajte!
CITAY Nice cuffs.mp3 [Citay, 2006]
DJ OLIVE Sub Bass Commandante.mp3 [Heaps As, The Agriculture]
DABRYE feat. KADENCE Encoded Flow.mp3
MESSER CHUPS Devil Exit From Fashion.mp3 [Swingin' Single, 2004]
MARZIPAN MARZIPAN Ready.mp3 [Marzipan Marzipam, 2006]DEERHOOF Milk Man, Giga Dance, Desapareceré + 20 drugi
"BAGHDAD RADIO.mp3" by A Baghdad Radio DJ [Lovely. Snimeno nekade vo Sunni triagolnikot, pomegu dve bitki...[. !!!! Spicata na Radio Bagdad Hit Parade !!!!
THE BEACH BOYS Ganz allein.mp3 [raritetna snimka na Beach Boys. Peat na germanski]
WILLIAM S BURROUGHS Millions of images.mp3
PEOPLE LIKE US Nothing.mp3 [Abridged Too Far, 2004]
DROP THE LIME Uccelino.mp3 [Dysis, 2001]
LUKATOYBOY Vinylence Mix.mp3
VORPAL Track 1 [An Incomplete guide to VORPAL Music]
The COCK ROCK DISCO.zip 2006 free compilation [...Vorpal, About, Food for animals, Duran Duran Duran, Doormouse]
GO HOME PRODUCTIONS Mash ups > Basement Jaxx vs Talking Heads, My Bloody Valentine vs Beastie Boys, Nirvana vs Destiny's Child, Sonic Youth vs Christina Aguilera, Madonna vs The Sex Pistols, Joy Division vs Missy Elliot + desetici anblivbl remiksi
Friday, June 09, 2006
BRIAN ENO... radikalen sekogas
Pocituvani Radio Bagdad slusateli:
Zadovolstvo mi e da vi go posocam izvonrednoto intervju na "kreatorot na prostranata muzika" - BRIAN ENO. Prosledete go... vnimatelno. Ukazuvanjata (mu se) na mesto.
PS1: Voopsto ne me iznenadi faktot sto omilen bend mu se The Books.
PS2: Intervjuto e realizirano za music recording magazine-ot SoundOnSound.
PS3: Studioto na Eno denes e svedeno "samo" na: dva Apple Mac G4 komjuteri, Digitech Studio Vocalist, Lexicon Jam Man loop sempler i Eventide H3000 Harmonizer. Toa e "se".
Brian Eno intervju
PLEJLISTA 014 # 7 juni 2006
1. MERCURY REV Boys peel out [Boces, 1993]
2. SUFJAN STEVENS Chicago [Come on feel the Illinoise, 2005]
3. DINOSAUR JR Hide [Where you been, 1993]
4. JOHN LENNON & YOKO ONO I’m losing you [Double fantasy, 1980]
5. FIERY FURNACES We wrote letters everyday [Rehearsing my choir, 2005]
6. MESSER CHUPS Intro monstro cresendo [Swingin' Single, 2004]
7. MESSER CHUPS Devil exist from fasion [Swingin' Single, 2004]
8. SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP Anorexia gas baloon (Candy says) [Anorexia gas baloon, 2004]
9. BARRY WHITE I wanna lay down with you [Is this whatcha want, 1976]
10. JAZZTRONIC Pathways (2 banks of 4 mix)
…Album na RBHP
Come on feel the Illinoise
2005, Asthmatic Kitty
1. Concerning The UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois
2. The Black Hawk War, Or, How To Demolish An Entire Civilization And Still Feel Good About Yourself In The Morning, Or, We Apologize For The Inconvenience But You're Gonna Have To Leave Now, Or, 'I Have Fought The Big Knives And Will Continue To Fight...
3. Come On! Feel The Illinoise!: Part I: The World's Columbian Exposition/Part II: Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream
4. John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
5. Jacksonville
6. A Short Reprise For Mary Todd, Who Went Insane, But For Very Good Reasons
7. Decatur, Or, Round Of Applause For Your Stepmother!
8. One Last 'Whoo-Hoo!' For The Pullman
9. Chicago
10. Casimir Pulaski Day
11. To The Workers Of The Rock River Valley Region, I Have An Idea Concerning Your Predicament
12. The Man Of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts
13. Prairie Fire That Wanders About
14. A Conjunction Of Drones Simulating The Way In Which Sufjan Stevens Has An Existential Crisis In The Great Godfrey Maze
15. The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us!
16. They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From The Dead!! Ahhhh!
17. Let's Hear That String Part Again, Because I Don't Think They Heard It All The Way Out In Bushnell
18. In This Temple As In The Hearts Of Man For Whom He Saved The Earth
19. The Seer's Tower
20. The Tallest Man, The Broadest Shoulders: Part I: The Great Frontier/Part II: Come To Me Only With Playthings Now
21. Riffs And Variations On A Single Note For Jelly Roll, Earl Hines, Louis Armstrong, Baby Dodds, And The King Of Swing, To Name A Few
22. Out Of Egypt, Into The Great Laugh Of Mankind, And I Shake The Dirt From My Sandals As I Run
PLEJLISTA 013 # 31 maj 2006
1. EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN Dead Friends (Around the Corner) [Perpetuum Mobile, 2004 / Mute] >>>> Blixa Bargeld, Andrew Chudy, Alexander Hacke, Jochen Arbeit & Rudolph Moser ja potpisuvaat izleznata pesna od nivniot posleden longplej.
2. SUPER_COLLIDER Messagesacomin (Original version) [Messagesacomin 12", 2002 / Rise Robots Rise] >>>> Cristian Vogel & Jamie Lidell - fenomenalni kako solo artisti, fenomenalni kako duo, fenomenalni vo sekoj pogled. Future funk kakov ne ste ni sonuvale.
3. SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP Osui nomasare [Anorexia Gas Baloon, 2003 / Sonore] >>>> Kalabalak od audio slozuvalki vo cetiriminutnata Osui nomasare, sozdavana so vkus, vnimanie i enormna doza na ludilo. Satapo najavuvaat duri i nov album... tret vo poslednava polovina godina ! ! ! 4. QUASIMOTO Maingirl [The Further Adventures of Lord Quas, 2005 / Stones Throw Records] >>>> Uste edno alter ego na Madlib. Najvozbudliviot hip hop godinive.
5. DABRYE Game over (instrumental) [Game over 12", 2004 / Ghostly International] >>>> Tadd Mullinix a.k.a. Dabrye. Pardon... uste eden vozbudliv hip hop godinive.
6. HARMONIC 33 Optigan [Music For Film, Television And Radio Volume 1, 2005 / Warp Records] >>>> Dave Brinkworth & Mark Pritchard sozdavaat vonvremenska, cista i namenski opravdana muzika. Praznik za usi.
7. SCOTT WALKER Jolson and Jones [The Drift, 2006 / 4AD] >>>> 63-godisniot Noel Scott Engel, potocno Scott Walker po 11-godisno miruvanje so kambek albumot The Drift. Snimen za samo eden den vo AIR studioto na George Martin vo London. Unikaten stil na peenje. I retko cuena orkestracija.
8. RADIOHEAD Pulk pull revolving doors [Amnesiac, 2001 / Capitol] >>>> Elektro psihodelija na Radiohead nacin. 9. OBOJENI PROGRAM Kad se neko necem dobrom nada [Ako nisam dobra sta cemo onda? / 2001] >>>> Sekogas iznenaduvackite Obojeni Program. Lirikite - (kako i sekogas) posebna prikazna. Novi Sad e na svetskata rock mapa samo poradi niv.
10. ELF POWER Somewhere down the river [Back to the Web] >>>> Sovrseno novo ime na (psycho) rock scenata. Naboj od emocii, nasekade.
11. TUNNG Engine room [Comments Of The Inner Chorus, 2006 / Full Time Hobby] >>>> Eden od najizvikanite underground bendovi na noviot milenium. Gi vrakaat 70-tite na najdostoinstven (i originalen) nacin.
12. MARTIN GORE Candy says >>>> Martin ja prerabotuva klasikata na Velvet Underground. Gore e eden i edinstven.
13. ANIMAL COLLECTIVE The softest voice [Sung Tongs, 2004 / Fat Cat Records] >>>> Remek delo na "zoo kolektivot". Nezno i psihodelicno do bolka.
.... album na R.B.H.P.
Warehouse: Songs and stories
1987, Warner Bros. Records
1987. e kraj na 6-godisnoto postoenje na najvlijatelniot post-rock bend na planetava. 1987. e i pocetok na novata era na rokenrolot. Warehouse: Songs and stories e posledniot, sedmi po red album na ova trio od Mineapolis. Bob Mould (gitara, glas), Grant Hart (tapani, glas) i Greg Norton (bas, glas) pravat 20 mali remek dela. Se slusa vo eden zdiv.
1. These important years (Mould) 3:49 2. Charity, chastity, prudence and hope (Hart) 3:11 3. Standing in the rain (Mould) 3:41 4. Back from somewhere (Hart) 2:16 5. Ice cold ice (Mould) 4:23 6. You're soldier (Hart) 3:03 7. Could you be the one (Mould) 2:32 8. Too much spice (Hart) 2:57 9. Friend, you've got to fall (Mould) 3:20 10. Visionary (Mould) 2:30 11. She floated away (Hart) 3:32 12. Bad of nails (Mould) 4:44 13. Tell you why tomorrow (Hart) 2:42 14. It's not peculiar (Mould) 4:06 15. Actual condition (Hart) 1:50 16. No reservations (Mould) 3:40 17. Turn it around (Mould) 4:32 18. She's a woman (and now he is a man) (Hart) 3:19 19. Up in the air (Mould) 3:03 20. You can live at home (Hart) 5:25